Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Doodles and Trees

Snowflakes, again. These two finish up the first batch of one hour projects. I was unfortunately sick on Wednesday when I was supposed to be peer reviewed, which would have helped greatly. My professor did encourage me to keep working on these and my embroidery. So you'll be seeing more of these and hopefully more embroidery!

The snowflake above was another one I doodled on then cut out. You can see here I decided to play around more with shapes and curves. Curves are very difficult to do on printer paper, yes that's the paper I've been using. I manage to do a fair job with them, but my exacto knife is getting dull and I don't want to break off the end because I don't know where I can buy more blades... The problems I face.
This one was a snowflake I did, thinking I needed something quick and easy. Draw this took more time than previous ones did as it's a tree. I like the trunk because of the detail and it kind of looks like bark, but I'm not overly fond of the leaves. Maybe I'll get around to cutting another one and improving upon the tree look, but we shall see.

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