Sunday, September 25, 2011

Ya’ll are probably wondering why I haven’t posted in so long. Well, I was back in Ohio for my summer, this meant I had an internship, online class, and a job. Not to mention I was trying to visit with friends who I hadn’t seen in months. I did get around to some sewing, but it was hard to get pictures of things and create posts when my mom was trying to make sure I wasn’t posting anything inappropriate on the internet... Such faith.
I do have a few items I sewed over the summer to share, although two of my dresses stayed in Ohio. Those might get shared over my winter break, possibly. And as for these next few months, I have no clue if you’ll see more posts or not. I’m taking three classes and working two jobs. Will I be able to fit time in to sew? I haven’t the foggiest idea.
Anyway, enough with my sorry excuses!
I had been thinking about making some sort of belt for a few months. Like most of my sewing projects it takes me a while to get idea from my head to an actual product. I had my eye on an obi belt, but I couldn’t find a pattern for one. After looking at a few tutorials on how to draft a pattern, I drafted my own.
I found some more fabric on clearance a while ago, this stuff is brocade. I’m not too sure why I bought this fabric, aside from it was pretty and shiny. Obviously, I don’t always put much thought into some of the fabrics I buy.

I whipped this sucker out in about an hour, along with drafting the pattern. I didn’t have any problems with it, although I might add length to the ties the next time I make this pattern. I’m getting low on medium weight interfacing, so it might be a while before I make another obi belt.