Sunday, January 29, 2012

Did You Hear?

I should be done with my art project today. I just need to cut the outline of my last two snowflakes. Then I should slowly get the feelings back in my fingers! I think I need to change the blade on my exacto knife, I've been holding out on that simply because I don't want to change the sucker. I keep having flashbacks to undergrad where the blade keeps falling out when I was cutting. Then again, that was a cheap exacto knife.

This one-hour is another embroidery. As you can see it's an ear. I found a tutorial online that showed you how to draw an ear step by step. This helps me greatly as I don't always break objects down so simply in order to draw them. Following the tutorial the ear turned out pretty good. And the ear is actually flesh colored! I'm slowly getting better at matching thread with objects. I did have the thread color with me and in sight when I started this.

The word is there because I was worried that I wouldn't make enough time with just the ear and I wanted to practice embroidering my writing. I'm thinking of doing a quote and wanted to make sure I didn't butcher my writing. What I'm thinking of doing will likely be given to a friend as a birthday gift. I'm planning ahead, so some of these will likely show up as Christmas presents to some of my friends. Yes, I know Christmas is just under 11 months away, time flies folks!!

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