I quite liked Burda’s JJ shirt. It fit my boobs, which I’ve found is a hard fit to find. Much like my previous shirt, I had no problems, especially since I’d all ready figured out the pattern. That didn’t stop me from messing up on the sleeves.
I don’t own many items that are patterned, so this is a very welcome addition to my wardrobe. The fabric was another JoAnn clearance find. We finding a trend in how I buy fabric?
The second go on this pattern was definitely easier. I do think I could have taken it in a bit around my abdomen, but there’s no easy way for me to do that at the moment. The only mistake I made was cutting the slit in the sleeves. I snipped them so the opposite sides had the slits in them, which would have made the shirt look odd. I improvised and fixed the slits by adding a cut on the opposite side of the original slits. So now I have two slits on the sleeves as opposed to one.
I had to fix some of my buttons. They don’t line up with the button holes so well, I’m blaming a lack of sleep on that...
Looks great!