Thursday, June 24, 2010

Oh Canada... Oh Wait a Minute...

So, I got around making this quilt in oh... March of this year. As you might be able to tell by the fabric with all of the lovely shamrocks on them. You might very well be asking, Kat what is up with shamrock overload here?

The answer is simple, the quilt was a project for a close family friend, one I actually gave to her today and took pictures right before I wrapped it up. There may be a theme with my sewing presents and me taking pictures of them...

You might be thinking that the lady I gave this to is Irish, or very much enjoys St. Patty's day. Well, you'd be wrong, on both counts. There's a long embarrassing story behind the whole ordeal and I'm not at liberty to share it.

Before this quilt I'd never sewed a quilt before, never even thought about the idea. How could I, the queen of not sitting still, complete a long complicated sewing task such as a quilt? Well, it was cold, that's how I did it! Darn weather in the Northern part of the U.S., with all of your snow, and wind, and horrid cold! I couldn't go outside, so I had to do something inside. I picked out my fabric, got to cutting, organizing, and taking up the entire living room of my house much to my family's dismay. But this sucker got complete after months and months!

It definitely was a learning experience, especially with the batting and sewing three layers together. Would I do another one I hear you ask? More than likely! I'm a glutton for punishment.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Corduroy Green

I have ignored posting for far too long! I've been a bit busy the past week. My summer class at my community college has started, eating up 3 of my nights and then I've been picking up hours at work (good for the paycheck, just not my sanity). Reven kindly pointed out I hadn't shown anything with sewing so far, so without further ado: the project that got me back into sewing this past year!

The corduroy dress is from the Simplicity 3673 pattern. My friend Alda pointed it out for me, saying she could see me in it... I ended up completing the dress in September/October of 2009. The dress is suited for the colder weather, which works out quite well half of the year!

I received a handful of compliments when I wore it to work a few times. I had to show one of my friends at work the lining to prove to her I made the dress. It's an odd compliment when someone doesn't believe you've sown the object you're wearing. See, the lining is a wonderful purple color. I had some left over fabric from another project and used it as opposed to buying new lining, it worked out well.

If I were to make this again I would adjust the neck a little bit as it gaps off of me. I did adjust the hem when I made it. Dresses that go past my knees make me look a little bit shorter than I am.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Mum's the word

Mum's the word
Originally uploaded by laughers_song
As I've said in my last post, I have a slight obsession with the macro features on my camera... I've taken loads of pictures with it and tend to delete more than half of them (I haven't really figured out how to get a good focus with my little digital camera). The ones that do make it past my cut are fairly decent in my opinion.

This flower is a planted mum in my front yard. I somehow managed to get out of helping plant a majority of the flowers, but yet I'll be the one weeding the flower beds, eck. I'm hoping the deer don't decide to eat the mums like they do every other flower we've ever planted, the mums are just too pretty (and too photogenic) to be deer food!

It's early on in the morning yet and I have to go work for 6 hours today. Joy... Working retail isn't exactly what I call loads of fun. I can't tell people how stupid they are, or that the thing they're looking for is RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM, or that they need to learn how to read. No, no I have to be nice and cheery and chipper. While those qualities may describe me I don't like wasting such effort on the stupid people who don't have a clue.

Hopefully I'll get pictures of my sewing today! The sun is shining!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Just Keep on Sewing

It took a little while to get my sewing machine back up and ready to sew. But in the last week (or so) since I've posted I do have sewing results to show from it.

I started working on my second wrap dress. The pattern I found on Burda. I don't follow directions very well unless there are a plethora of step by step pictures to guide me along, but the Hope Wrap dress is so very easy, instructions or not (I don't notice if it has them, I'm sure it does though).

The dress started off as a pile on the table I use for sewing, slowly becoming more and more dress like. I finished the dress on Monday, but haven't had time to get any pictures taken or upload anything to my computer (darn you work!).

Somehow I managed to get the wrap dress almost finished within the span of 24 hours. At least I've been productive, right? I just need to get photos of me in said dress... Oi... That requires me setting up my tripod and hoping for decent light. Damn you mass amounts of rain!